In this episode, Jean Border and Lisa Zawrotny explore the concept of mental decluttering and its significance in enhancing personal and professional productivity.

Lisa, a productivity strategist and accountability coach, shares her insights on the detrimental effects of overwhelming to-do lists and the pressure of external expectations, particularly for women, entrepreneurs, caregivers, and creatives.

Journey along with your host, Jean Border, as we explore the impact of energy work and mindset on your personal life and your business decisions.

Many of us get stuck in our heads – or in memories – and sabotage our progress.

If you are conflicted about money, feeling capped at your current income level, can’t seem to realize your financial potential, or think you’ve tried everything but just can’t seem to reach your target revenue, take advantage of Jean’s expertise with this free gift and work through some of the most common blocks people face when trying to increase their income level:

Tune in now and get Lisa Zawrotny’s thoughts on:

  • Some of the biggest challenges she has faced growing a successful business.
  • The concept of compassionate productivity and the importance of doing less and living more.
  • How clutter in the home and office can affect personal and professional self-perception and productivity.
  • Strategies for managing tasks effectively, with tips for decluttering the mind and physical space, including managing mail and creating systems for efficiency.
  • The impact of clutter on personal energy and self-worth.
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest

Lisa Zawrotny is offering her productivity toolkit and worksheets that her clients use to help them do less and live more.

Get them here!

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